Turning Books

and Stories into Screenplays and Movies


Hollywood Writers Studio

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Want to get your novel or story produced as a movie?  It’s the dream of many authors. Hollywood Writers Studio can help you achieve that goal. Hollywood producers and film studios are constantly looking for new voices. The problem is that they are reluctant to read books and stories from unknown writers, unless the books are best-sellers.

That is where Hollywood Writers Studio comes in.  David Sheldon designed a unique program starting with adapting novels and stories into professional screenplays and then personally assisting the writers by submitting them to producers.



Motion picture studios and producers rarely accept unsolicited novels or books unless they are bestsellers, are based on headline events, or are represented by literary agents. To get an unpublished novel or story produced as a movie, it is more productive to submit it as a screenplay. We adapt stories and novels into dramatic screenplays. The author can either market the screenplay  personally, or we can help in marketing it to Hollywood producers and studios.

Screenplay rewrites or script doctoring
As the saying goes, “screenplays are never written, they are rewritten.” Your screenplay might need an extra dimension, a new life. If it needs more work, we can enhance it and turn it into an exciting, commercial manuscript ready for the marketplace.   

We will improve your story structure, premise, motivations, characterizations, pacing, subplots, dialogue, construction of scenes, conflict, suspense, humor, action, and more.

The Process
Prior to our writing the screenplay adaptation of your novel or story, or rewriting your screenplay, we prepare a detailed step outline/treatment for the new screenplay for your approval, suggestions or requests. This will take approximately eight weeks. We will welcome your suggestions or comments.   

After we complete the screenplay approximately eight weeks later, we will again ask you for your comments or suggestions. We will then prepare a final draft of the screenplay including your input, at no additional cost to you. We will then be able to take the screenplay into the marketplace and offer it to producers and studios.


If we ghostwrite a script, you or your author can take credit as sole writer of the Screenplay. Such ghostwriting shall be held in strictest confidence by both parties. 

Our production company

All screenplays adapted or developed at Hollywood Writers Studio are considered for production by our production company, Hollywood West Entertainment.
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